胡 晗
教 授
2018.11 至今:任职于 必赢线路检测3003no1 必赢bwin线路检测中心
2014.10-2018.06:任职于 南洋理工大学 计算机学院 博士后研究员
2012.12-2014.09:任职于 新加坡国立大学 计算机学院 博士后研究员
2007.09-2012.07:就读于 必赢线路检测3003no1 信息学院 博士
2003.09-2007.07:就读于 中国科学技术大学 信息学院 本科
C. Zhan, Hu, H., Sui, X., Liu, Z., Wang, J. and Wang, H., 2020. Joint Resource Allocation and 3D Aerial Trajectory Design for Video Streaming in UAV Communication Systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. [Accepted]
H. Zhang, Luo, Y., Ai, Q., Wen, Y. and Hu, H., 2020, October. Look, read and feel: Benchmarking ads understanding with multimodal multitask learning. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (pp. 430-438).
Y. Li, Hu, H., Li, J., Luo, Y. and Wen, Y., 2020, October. Semi-supervised Online Multi-Task Metric Learning for Visual Recognition and Retrieval. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (pp. 3377-3385).
S. Gan, Luo, Y., Wen, Y., Liu, T. and Hu, H., 2020, October. Deep Heterogeneous Multi-Task Metric Learning for Visual Recognition and Retrieval. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (pp. 1837-1845).
H. Zhang, Dong, L., Gao, G., Hu, H., Wen, Y. and Guan, K., 2020. DeepQoE: A multimodal learning framework for video quality of experience (QoE) prediction. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 22(12), pp.3210-3223.
C. Zhan, Hu, H., Wang, Z., Fan, R. and Niyato, D., 2019. Unmanned aircraft system aided adaptive video streaming: A joint optimization approach. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 22(3), pp.795-807.
H. Pang, Zhang, C., Wang, F., Hu, H., Wang, Z., Liu, J. and Sun, L., 2018, October. Optimizing personalized interaction experience in crowd-interactive livecast: A cloud-edge approach. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia (pp. 1217-1225).
G. Gan, Zhang, H., Hu, H., Wen, Y., Cai, J., Luo, C. and Zeng, W., 2018. Optimizing quality of experience for adaptive bitrate streaming via viewer interest inference. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 20(12), pp.3399-3413.
H. Hu, Wen, Y. and Feng, S., 2018. Budget-efficient viral video distribution over online social networks: Mining topic-aware influential users. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 28(3), pp.759-771.
H. Hu, Li, Y. and Wen, Y., 2017. Toward rendering-latency reduction for composable web services via priority-based object caching. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 20(7), pp.1864-1875.
H. Hu, Y. Wen, and N. Dusit. "Spectrum allocation and bitrate adjustment for mobile social video sharing: Potential game with online QoS learning approach." IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 35, no. 4 (2017): 935-948.
H. Hu, Y. Wen, and N. Dusit. "Public cloud storage-assisted mobile social video sharing: A supermodular game approach." IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 35, no. 3 (2017): 545-556.
G. Gao, Wen, Y. and Hu, H., 2017, May. QDLCoding: QoS-differentiated low-cost video encoding scheme for online video service. In IEEE INFOCOM 2017-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (pp. 1-9). IEEE.
G. Gao, Hu, H., Wen, Y. and Westphal, C., 2016. Resource provisioning and profit maximization for transcoding in clouds: A two-timescale approach. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 19(4), pp.836-848.
H. Hu, Wen, Y., Chua, T.S., Huang, J., Zhu, W. and Li, X., 2016. Joint content replication and request routing for social video distribution over cloud CDN: A community clustering method. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, 26(7), pp.1320-1333.
Best Paper Award (2019), IEEE TCSVT
Best Paper Award (2015), IEEE Multimedia Magazine
ASEAN ICT Awards – Gold Medal (2016)
Datacentre Dynamics Awards – APAC (2015)
Associate Editor (2018.12-), IEEE Trans. on Multimedia
Associate Editor (2019.1-), Ad Hoc Networks
Secretary (2020-), IEEE COMSOC MMTC