姓名 |
张宇 |
职务职称 |
讲师,硕导 |
所属学科 |
信息与通信工程 |
研究方向 |
通信网络,通信系统及网络的建模与仿真 |
邮箱 |
yuzhang@bit.edu.cn |
办公地点 |
10#303-2 |
科学研究 |
“智能导航搜救终端景区应用示范”,2010~2014,国家科技部遥感中心 “中继网络架构和通信传输协议研究”,2012~2014,863项目,国家遥感中心 |
成果及荣誉 |
学术论文 |
1、张宇,王鹏,刘澄澄,等。基于HLA的无线通信网络抗干扰仿真系统研究[J]。必赢线路检测3003no1学报自然科学版(已录用) 2、Zhang Yu, Zhang Yuanbing, Bu Xiangyuan, Zhang Chao, Tao Wen. A Communication Middleware with Unified Data Transmission Interface [J]. Communications and Network, 2013, Vol5, pp34-38. 3、Zhang Y., Liu F., Liu C. C. Wang P. A Simulation study of Routing Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Based on OPNET[C], Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), 2012 8th International Conference on. IEEE, Shanghai China, 21-23 Sep. 2012. 4、Zhang Yu, Yao Zhen, Li Xiangming. The Realization of OPNET and MATLAB Co-Simulation Based on HLA[C], Computer, Informatics, Cybernetics and Applications, Proceedings of the CICA 2011. Hangzhou China, 2011. 5、Yu Zhang, Zhiqiang Sun ,Jihua Lu,Jianping An,Simulaticon and performance analysis of FH spread spectrum communication system under repeater jamming,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012, Vol. 195-196, pp744-747. |
担任职务 |